Study of The In Vivo Anti-Inflammatory, Antipyretic and Analgesic Effect of The Ethanol Extract Indian Nettle Plant (Acalypha indica Linn)
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The body can experience fever and pain, when inflammation occurs. Indian nettle plant (Acalypha Indica Linn.) are known to contain flavonoid compounds which are thought to have anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, and analgesic effect. This study aims to test the anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, and analgesic effect of the ethanol extract of 70% Indian Nettle plant. Method each test used 5 groups, negative control all given Na CMC 0,5%. Antiinflammatory use rats with Winter method, aspirin 40,43mg/200gBB, the test group dose 70mg/200gBW (I), 140mg/200gBW (II), 280mg/200gBW (III), antipyretics use rats with Brewer's yeast method, aspirin 21,45mg/200gBW, the test group dose 70mg/200gBW (I), 140mg/200gBW (II), 280mg/200gBW (III). Analgesic use mice with the Siegmund method, aspirin 3,10mg/20gBB, the test group dose of 10mg/20gBB (I); 20mg/20gBB (II); 40mg/20g BW (III). Results Kruskall Wallis test, the anti-inflammatory effect significant difference to negative control, p value <0,05. Percentage of inhibition positive control edema and test dosage I, II, and III obtained 34,44%; 18,88%; 21,37%, and 29,61%. The Mann Whitney test, the antipretic and analgesic effects significant difference to the negative control, p value <0,05. The decreased percentage of fever in positive control and dosage I, II, and III test preparations was 3,74%; 2,60%; 2,55%; 3,01%. Inhibition percentage of stretching positive control and test dosage I, II, and III obtained 41,05%; 24,46%; 27,78%; and 33,31%. Conclussion: Wriggling inhibition (analgesic) had the highest presentation dose III 33,31% compare to anti-inflammatory and antipyretic activities, lower than aspirin as positive control 41,05% (p<0,05).
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