Author Guidelines
How To Submit
Authors from around the world are welcome to contribute to the journal. All manuscripts must be submitted via the journal’s submission site at
Original and revised manuscript texts may be uploaded as an OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format, but a Word file is preferable and required for the final manuscript text. Figures can be incorporated in the Word file, or can also be submitted separately in several other standard formats, except the ChemDraw format. These files are automatically incorporated into a single PDF that the system creates for review.
authors are asked to use the Template below to prepare the paper
If you encounter any problems with your submission, please contact the Editorial Office at jnpdd(at)
Article Type Specifications
The Journal publishes Original Research Articles and Review Articles.
Original Research Articles present original research performed by the authors and must include new data, analyses, or information that is of significance and interest to a broad audience.
Review Articles are critical overviews of scientific discoveries in areas of the authors’ expertise. These reviews are expected to include the author's own recent interesting and significant results.
Manuscript Preparation
Cover Letter
A cover letter must be included and should provide a brief overview of the work, its significance and the justification for publishing it. Authors who suggest potential referees should declare any relevant former or ongoing relationships in their cover letter. When submitting a Communication or Note, authors should provide the word count of the main text (including references) in their cover letter.
Style and Format
Please use 12-point Times New Roman font, preferably in Word. When printed, all files should have a page set up for A4 (210mm wide×297mm high) paper. Tables can be presented horizontally if necessary.
Title Page
The first page must be a Title page and should include the journal name (Journal of Natural Product for Degenerative Diseases) and manuscript type. This should be followed by the manuscript title, name(s) of the author(s), affiliation(s), and mailing address(es). The full address together with the telephone and e-mail address of the corresponding author should be given in a footnote. An asterisk (*) should be added to the right of the corresponding author’s name. Use a dagger (†) to the right of a name if the present affiliation of an author is different to their affiliation when the work was completed. Include the author’s current affiliation and address in the footnote.
Authors and Affiliations
The full names of authors and their affiliations must be provided. If authors have more than one affiliation, this should be indicated by italicized superscripts 1, 2, 3, … placed after the author’s name, as shown below.
Deni Rahmat1*, Yesi Desmiaty2, and Syamsuddin Abdillah3
Affiliations and addresses should then be provided as shown:
1Department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Pancasila, Jakarta, Indonesia.
2Department of Natural Product, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Pancasila, Jakarta, Indonesia.
3Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Pancasila, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Summary and Keywords
On the second page, provide a Summary (<250 words) and 3 to 6 descriptive keywords in decreasing order of importance. As the keywords are used in combination to construct a rich and comprehensive index, they should be conceptually unrelated and should not repeat words or phrases. For example, using the keywords ‘protein,’ ‘protein synthesis’ and ‘synthesis’ together is not suitable. Abbreviations should not be used as keywords.
Graphical Abstracts
Graphical abstracts are presented in the Table of Contents and other materials to give readers an at-a-glance grasp of the manuscript. Graphical abstracts consist of clear images, charts, graphs, chemical structures, or other informative illustrations that show the most striking feature of the article in visual form.
Upon the first submission, a full-color figure in the actual size to be used for the graphical abstract, no larger than 100 mm wide × 40 mm high with a resolution of 300 dpi (1181 × 472 pixels), should be provided. Do not include proprietary logos, images, or product names in the figure.
Main Text
The main body of the article should initially provide the Introduction, and then sections detailing the Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion, in that order. Following these sections should be (in this order) Acknowledgments, Conflict of Interest, Supplementary Materials (if relevant), References, and Figure Legends.
Tables and Figures
Tables should be presented after the main text, numbered with consecutive Arabic numerals, and headed by brief titles. We recommend using the ‘Tables’ feature in Word; do not paste tables as pictures. Any footnotes must be placed directly after the table.
Figures should be presented after the Tables section and numbered with consecutive Arabic numerals followed by a brief title. The figure number and title should be placed below the figure. In the main text or elsewhere, figures should be cited as “Fig.XX” within a sentence or “Figure XX” at the start of a sentence.
Additional Information for Review
Other data necessary for peer review, including related manuscripts submitted elsewhere, should be submitted as additional information in separate documents, but labeled “Additional Information”. These materials will not be published in the journal.
The journal’s definition of a reference is any article or chapter published in journals, books, and other outlets such as technical reports, patents, and lectures. References to any other materials or personal communications should be described in the text.
The journal uses a modified Vancouver referencing style. As such, references should be numbered consecutively according to the order of citation in the main text (one Arabic number should be assigned to each reference). An Arabic number followed by a right-hand half-parenthesis should be placed after the last relevant word in the sentence, outside any punctuation mark.
For example: “LAMP proteins are reported to be involved in lysosome-phagosome fusion. 1) ”
A maximum of two names should be listed when referring to authors in the main text, for example, “Jones and Smith.” When referring to three or more authors, provide only the last name of the first author followed by et al. For example “Jones et al.”
The References section collates the references cited in numerical order. Journal abbreviations should conform to those listed in PubMed. For all listed authors, the last name and all initials should be used as exemplified below.
- Vasievich EA, Chen W, Huang L. Enantiospecific adjuvant activity of cationic lipid DOTAP in cancer vaccine. Cancer Immunol. Immunother., 60, 629–638 (2011).
- Shimizu K, Oku N. Brain tumor diagnosis using PET with angiogenic vessel-targeting liposomes. Tumors of the central nervous system. (Hayat MA ed.) Vol. 3, Springer, New York, pp. 169–176 (2011).
- Brunner A, Greune H, U.S. Patent 1910462 (1993) [Chem. Abstr., 27, 4092–4096 (1993)].
- International Organization for Standardization. “How ISO develops standards.”: ‹›, accessed 25 August 2018.
Scientific Policies
The nomenclature used for chemical compounds must be in accordance with IUPAC’s published guidelines. Alternatively, naming may conform to the nomenclature in the index of Chemical Abstracts or the Ring Index. The nomenclature style must be inter- nally consistent within the manuscript.
Abbreviations must be spelled out in full and followed by the abbreviation in parentheses when first used in the Summary and in the main text. Thereafter, the abbreviation only should be used. Please limit to a minimum the use of abbreviations in the Summary and the Title.
Note that the following common abbreviations do not need to be defined:
ADP | adenosine 5′-diphosphate |
AIDS | acquired immunodeficiency syndrome |
AMP | adenosine 5′-monophosphate or adenylic acid |
ANOVA | analysis of variance |
ATP | adenosine 5′-triphosphate |
cAMP | adenosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate |
cDNA | complementary DNA |
CoA | coenzyme A |
CYP | cytochrome P450 |
DNA | deoxyribonucleic acid |
ED50 | 50% effective dose |
ESR | electron spin resonance |
FAB-MS | fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry |
FAD | flavin adenine dinucleotide |
GC-MS | gas chromatography-mass spectrometry |
GLC | gas-liquid chromatography |
GMP | guanosine 5′-monophosphate |
HPLC | high-performance liquid chromatography, high-pressure liquid chromatography |
IC50 | inhibitory concentration, 50% |
IR | infrared |
LC | liquid chromatography |
LC/MS | liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry |
LD50 | 50% lethal dose |
mRNA | messenger RNA |
MS | mass spectrum |
NMR | nuclear magnetic resonance |
OTC | over the counter |
PCR | polymerase chain reaction |
QOL | quality of life |
RNA | ribonucleic acid |
RT-PCR | reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction |
TLC | thin-layer chromatography |
tRNA | transfer RNA |
UV | ultraviolet |
WHO | World Health Organization |
The following units should be used:
length | m, cm, mm, μm, nm, Å |
volume | L, mL, μL |
time | s, min, h, d |
temperature | °C, K |
radiation | Bq, dpm, Gy, Sv |
concentration | M, mM, mol/L, mmol/L, mg/mL, μg/mL, %, % (v/v), % (w/v), ppm, ppb |
General and Editorial Policies
Authors should carefully read the journal policies below, as submission to Journal of Natural Product for Degenerative Diseases implies that all authors have read and approved these policies.
Authors are encouraged to consult commonly accepted policy standards, which the journal supports, such as those presented by the Council of Science Editors or the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).
Submission to the Journal of Natural Product for Degenerative Diseases also implies that all authors have seen and approved the manuscript, agree to its submission, and have the right to publish the work and that it is not defamatory or libelous. All authors also undertake that the manuscript is original and has not been published elsewhere in any language, nor is it otherwise under consideration at another journal. Authors must inform the editors if any related publications have been submitted or are in press elsewhere.
Acceptance Criteria
The Instructions to Authors refers to various basic acceptance criteria, including that manuscripts must fall within the journal’s scope, as well as requirements for ethical behavior, compliance with human or animal experimentation policies, data policies, various technical requirements, English standards, copyright provisions, and so forth. In addition, articles in the journal must also be:
- scientifically rigorous
- novel, innovative, and/or original
- important, or potentially important, to the progress of the field and the researchers within it
- constructed, written, and/or placed in an appropriate context so as to be of the highest possible interest to a broad international audience.
Contributors to the Journal of Natural Product for Degenerative Diseases should meet the following criteria for authorship. All authors must:
- agree to be held accountable for all aspects of the work
- have made a substantial contribution to the work’s conception or design, or in the acquisition, analysis or interpretation of data
- have written the manuscript or critically revised it for vital intellectual content
- have approved the final version of the manuscript for publication.
By submitting to the journal, the authors undertake that they have agreed to the author list and its order. Any changes to the author list (such as author order, or adding or removing authors) after peer review will rarely be approved by the journal. If requests are made, they must have strong justification and be approved by all the listed authors.
Human/Animal Experimentation
For submissions that include investigations with human subjects and/or human tissues, the authors must declare that the work was performed in accordance with the ethical principles for medical research outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki 1964 and per subsequent revisions ( In addition, relevant manuscripts must contain a statement confirming that approval was received prior to the study’s commencement from the appropriate ethics committees. The declaration should be clearly stated in Materials and Methods.
For submissions that include animal experimentation, the authors must declare within the manuscript that the work was per-formed accordance with the experimental animal guidelines of the authors’ institutions. In addition, appropriate government guidelines should be followed and these should be cited in the declaration; standards must meet those as set out in and published in, for example, the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. The declaration should be clearly stated in Materials and Methods.
Unoriginal Material
Authors warrant that their submissions are original works. The journal uses iThenticate software to screen submitted manuscripts for unoriginal material, and submission to the journal implies that authors agree to this process. The journal reserves the right to return a manuscript for no further consideration if it is found to contain an unacceptable amount of unoriginal material. Resubmitted manuscripts will be considered only if the unoriginal material has been removed.
Image Integrity
The journal conforms to high standards in the presentation of images. Digital manipulation or processing of images is permitted, but all figures must accurately reflect the underlying data. The editors may request original data and images from the authors either before or after publication, as necessary.
Use of Copyrighted Material
Use of any figures or other previously published material for which the authors do not own or have rights to is only possible if the authors obtain permission from the copyright owner and provide relevant documentation stating this upon submission of the manuscript.
Data and Materials Availability
The journal supports initiatives that improve the undertaking and outcomes of research. By submitting to the journal, authors agree to make their submission’s materials, data and any protocols available in response to reasonable requests for it.
The journal supports the use of Supplementary Materials for data and relevant materials, or the use of relevant and accepted public repositories. See the Supplementary Materials section for further details on the format and style for these materials. Please also refer to the relevant parts of the Scientific Policies section within this document.
Conflicts of Interest
A conflict of interest exists when someone has financial or personal relationships that could inappropriately influence (bias) the consideration or publication of a submitted manuscript. The journal has strong policies for conflicts of interest among editors, referees, editorial board members and staff, and authors.
Authors should refer to and comply with the Council for Science Editors’ policies, which cover personal, financial, and non-financial conflicts of interest. Further, any relevant financial relationship of any author with any company or institution that might benefit from the publication of the manuscript must be disclosed.
Authors should consider the following as a guide for financial disclosures:
- Research funding from a for-profit (commercial) organization
- Consulting fees/honoraria
- Patent royalties/licensing fees
- Employment/leadership positions or advisory roles
- Other (travel fees, gift, etc.)
A disclosure must be included in the main text of the manuscript in the Conflict of Interest section. If the authors have no conflict of interest, they must state as much:
“The authors declare no conflict of interest.”,
If one or more authors have some conflict of interest, it must be stated, for example:
A (author name) received a research grant from O (entire company, institute or personal name); B received non-financial support from P; C serves as a consultant to Q; D received honoraria for writing promotional material for R; E has a patent JP Patent 12345 licensed to S; F is President of T; G has been reimbursed by U for attending conferences; H and I are employees of X; J has no conflict of interest.
All manuscripts that are under consideration, or have been returned to authors, are kept confidential. Authors agree to keep in confidence all correspondence about their submission from the journal, editors, and Editorial Office.
The journal undertakes single-blind peer review, and referees’ identities will not be disclosed unless formally and explicitly requested by the referee. Referees agree to maintain the confidentiality of submitted manuscripts as part of their agreement to review articles for the journal.
Editorial and Peer Review Process
The journal is organized into eight broad subject areas and each area has a Section Editor-in-Chief who is supported by several Handling Editors. The journal is supported by over 80 Handling Editors who are experts in specific areas across the journal’s broad remit. Handling Editors are responsible for the peer-review process, that is, selecting and communicating with referees and making the initial and final decisions on manuscripts. Section Editors-in-Chief assign the relevant Handling Editor and have an oversight role as necessary. The journal’s Editor-in-Chief has responsibility for the overall strategy of the journal and acts as a final arbiter when necessary.
The assigned Handling Editor undertakes a single-blind peer review, which is undertaken after initial screening by the Editorial Office, Section Editor-in-Chief, and Handling Editor. Manuscripts clearly not conforming to the basic requirements or acceptance criteria of the journal, as outlined in these instructions, will be returned to the authors without peer review.
With the exception of Invited Reviews (which are reviewed by an Editor-in-Chief or Editor(s)), manuscripts that pass through initial screening are sent to two or more referees, who provide feedback and their opinion about the suitability of the manuscript for publication. Referees are selected on the basis of their expertise, reputation, and previous experience as peer reviewers. To ensure that the journal obtains the best advice within the context of its requirements, referees are provided with a Guide to Referees that includes the journal’s acceptance criteria.
The Handling Editor uses the referees’ reports as the basis of their initial decision, which can be minor revision, major revision, or rejection. Authors are invited to re-submit a revised version in the former two cases; for some manuscripts, a round of re-review may be deemed necessary. After revision, articles that are deemed to fulfill the journal’s requirements are accepted for publication.
Revised manuscripts must be re-submitted no later than two months from the date of notification of manuscript revision by the Handling Editor. Manuscripts that are not re-submitted within two months may be rejected and have to be re-submitted as new manuscripts (which invokes a further submission fee). Authors should contact the journal if they are unable to re-submit within the required deadline.
Referee Suggestions
Authors may suggest potentially suitable referees via Editorial Manager; these referees must be qualified experts who are able to provide timely advice. Authors must declare any ongoing or former relationships with suggested referees in the cover letter. Authors can also request that potential referees be excluded. The journal may consider these requests but is under no obligation to honor them; the Editors have complete discretion over the selection of referees.
The journal will consider appeals that provide specific evidence of misunderstanding, mistake, or error by a referee or editor. An appeal is considered by the relevant Editors, whose decision is final.
Errata and Retractions
The journal supports the maintenance of an accurate record of science and hence will correct any significant errors in the journal. If authors discover a significant error or inaccuracy in their published article, they should promptly notify the Editor-in-Chief. The Editor-in-Chief will also assess any third-party advice independently received and, in both cases, determine whether an Erratum or a Retraction is appropriate.
Errata describe errors that significantly affect the scientific integrity of an article or the reputation of the journal or authors. Retractions are used when the results or conclusions are found to be invalid or misleading, or when there is sufficient evidence of breaches in research or publication ethics. Minor errors that are the result of the authors’ actions will not be amended.
If the authors, or some co-authors, do not agree to a correction being published, the journal reserves the right to publish an Erratum or Retraction that will separately list the dissenting co-authors.
The journal’s decision in these matters is final.
English Standard
Only manuscripts written in clear, concise English will be accepted for peer review. Authors who are not native English speakers should have their manuscripts checked and edited by a native English speaker who possesses sufficient scientific knowledge. If the English standard of an accepted manuscript is judged to be inadequate by the journal, Authors may utilize a trusted service provider and provide a certificate of editing. The Editorial Office coordinates this process upon acceptance of a manuscript.
Publishing Model
The journal is freely available to anyone with an internet connection and is able to be used and re-used under standard copyright provisions. Permission for re-use must be sought from the journal by contacting the Editorial Office (see the Copyright section for more details).
Publication Fees
There is no author's submission fee or other publication-related fees of author-side for the Journal of Natural Product for Degenerative Diseases. The Journal is a platinum open-access journal, of which full text is immediately available after publication and that does not charge an author fee Submission Fee
Post-Acceptance Process
Authors notified of the acceptance of their manuscript will be provided with information and forms that facilitate its publication. After an average of approximately 30 days after acceptance, authors will be provided proof of their typeset article. No additions or revisions are allowed, except to correct typographical errors introduced during the production process.
Once published, articles are freely available online at the journal’s site at