Survey on Tourist Experience of Z Generation Visited Destination of Puncak Bogor

  • Amy Grace Stephanias Gulo Fakultas Pariwisata Universitas Pancasila
  • I Made Adhi Gunadi Universitas Pancasila
  • Meizar Rusli Fakultas Pariwisata Universitas Pancasila
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Generation Z's contribution in increasing tourist visits to Indonesia plays an important role. One of the tourist destinations frequently visited by Generation Z tourists in Indonesia is Puncak Bogor tourist destination. This study aims to identify the tourist experience and behavioral intention, and then analyze the influence of tourist experience dimensions toward behavioral intention in generation Z tourists who visit Puncak. This study uses a quantitative method with a descriptive verification approach and multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study show that the escapism sub-variable is more prominent in the tourist experience of generation Z tourists because they get a pleasant experience that is different from their daily routine. Meanwhile, repurchase intention or willingness to return to Puncak is highest on the behavioral intention of generation Z tourists because of the satisfaction with the beauty of the destination. Furthermore, the results of multiple linear regression analysis describe that only the escapism sub-variable and the esthetic sub-variable had partially significant effect on the behavioral intention of generation Z tourists. Otherwise, the education sub-variable and the entertainment sub-variable have no effect on behavioral intention. These are due to the difficulty of getting skills improvement in tourism activities at destination, and provision of entertainment dimension that is relatively common for generation Z tourists.


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How to Cite
Gulo, A. G. S., Gunadi, I. M. A., & Rusli, M. (2023). BEHAVIORAL INTENTION OF Z GENERATION. Journal of Tourism Destination and Attraction , 11(2), 107-120.

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