Rancang Bangun Alat Pengering Cabai Skala Laboratorium Dengan Pemanfaatan Concentrated Solar Power
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Increasing plantation productivity in Indonesia is currently increasing from year to year, one of the most needed plantation products in the community is red chili, post-harvest handling that is not paid attention to causes chilies to rot quickly. One of the post-harvest handlings of excessive chili so as not to decay is by drying. The tool design and manufacturing method used is the Pahl & Beitz design method and the manufacturing process used includes cutting, bending, perforating, joining and finishing stages. The results of the dryer design carried out are by developing a rack type dryer design or tray dryer, using three shelves as a place or container to dry chili using a radiator system and a fan as a heating device for the drying room. The results showed that the laboratory scale red chili dryer manufacturing process took 374 minutes with a total cost of Rp.4.715.400. As for the red chili drying process carried out for 360 minutes at a temperature of 60C with a weight of 500 grams per shelf, the average moisture content was 40% and the drying rate was 0.55 gram/minute.
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