Author Guideline

The author shall use the manuscript template provided by Jurnal Asiimetrik: Jurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa Dan Inovasi. Writing guidelines and templates can be downloaded HERE. Articles to be published in Jurnal Asiimetrik: Jurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa Dan Inovasi must meet the following conditions:

  1. The manuscript is written in English using Microsoft Word (.doc / .docx) in A4 format (210 mm x 297 mm) and the upper margin size is 30 mm for upper and under, and 20 for left and right.
  2. The article title is written in Trebuchet MS (TMS) size 14 pt with one space. Abstracts are written in English and Indonesian with Trebuchet MS font style 10 pt, one full column, justify, no paragraph separator, and maximum of 250 words. Also complete with keywords in the abstract section of no more than five keywords with 9 pt TMS letters.
  3. The contents of the manuscript should be:
    • Using the letters TMR size 10 pt with 1,15 space and left align.
    • Using two columns with a distance between 7 mm columns.
    • Contains the title of the chapter including: IntroductionMethodologyResults and DiscussionConclusionsAcknowledgments (if any), and References.
    • The introduction is written systematically consisting of three sections. The first contains a complete description of the problem that can be supported by quantitative data or other references. The second contains a description related to previous research. In this section, state the art of the topic studied by citing references. The third contains the objectives of the study accompanied by an explanation of the differences or development carried out (novelty). Also state gaps that occur in the problem or topic studied in this section.
    • The research method contains stages of research, data analysis methods, design process, etc. In this section you should describe the stages in the form of flowcharts and block diagrams. Mathematical equations can also be described in this section.
    • Results and discussion contain system implementation (if there is complete with photos / pictures), system testing, results analysis, discussion, etc. The results of the study must be consistent with the research objectives described previously. In this section it is also necessary to compare the results of research with previous researchers.
    • The conclusions are made in one paragraph and answer what the research objectives are. At the end of the conclusion, write down suggestions for development or further research plans related to the topic being studied.
    • Acknowledgments are given to those who contribute in terms of funding or facilities. Write a research funding scheme accompanied by a research contract number. If there is, write the name of the laboratory or institution that contributed to the research facility.
    • References are written using the Harvard style. References comes from clear and reliable sources. References in the form of journals, or other scientific publication manuscripts must be published within in the past 5 years from the time of submitting the written manuscript. The minimum reference limit is 10 titles with 60% of which are scientific journals and 40% from other supporting references such as books, final project/thesis/dissertations, and official websites are allowed if necessary.
  1. Writing the title and sub-heading of the chapter (heading)
    • Heading Level-1: Heading level-1 should be in uppercase letters with 11 pt size, located in the left and using numbered Roman numerals numbering. Heading level-1 which should not use numbering is "Acknowledgments" and "References".
    • Heading Level-2: Heading level-2 should be italic and bold with 10 pt size, docked to the left, no numbered and using capitalize each word.
    • Heading Level-3: Heading level-3 should be spaced, italic, and numbered with numbers followed by right brackets. Heading level-3 should end with a colon. Heading level-3 is 10 pt. The contents of the 3-level section continue following the heading title with the same paragraph.
  2. Pictures and tables
    • Pictures and tables must be centered. Large graphs and tables can be stretched on both columns.
    • Pictures must have good resolution, minimum 300 dpi.
    • Pictures and tables are numbered using numbers. Captions and tables must be in bold font size (bold) 10 pt. Captions and tables should be centered.
  3. Writing equations
    • The equations are sequentially followed by numbering the numbers in parentheses with the right margin.
    • Make sure that the symbols in the equation have been defined before the equation or follow directly after the equation appears.
  4. References and citation

     The references are written with Harvard System, sequentially according to the alphabet and source of the quotations listed in the contents of the manuscript. The Manuscript and citations are written with our recommendation of reference manager (Mendeley/Zatero). Writing style references are TMS 10 pt, single, left-right, with hanging indent 1 cm from the left margin. Here’s a reference citations sample: (Hongxun, et. al, 2011). Citing more than one reference can be written with separate semicolon, for example (Tan and Engeda, 2016; Suwandi, et. al, 2018; Karmiadji and Suwandi, 2018).  Some examples of reference items with different categories are shown in the References section which includes:


Hongxun, C. et. al, 2011. Development of low specific-speed centrifugal pump impellers based on flow control technique.   Chinese Journal of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery Engineering, 6(9), hal.466-470.

Tan, X. and Engeda, A., 2016. Performance of centrifugal pumps running in reverse as turbine : Part II – systematic specific speed and specific diameter based performance prediction. Renewable Energy, 99, hal.188-197.

Conference Paper:

Suwandi, A., Soemardi, T.P., Kiswanto, G. and Kusumaningsih, W., 2018, February. Development of friction and wear full-scale testing for TKR prostheses with reliable low cost apparatus. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1933, No. 1, p. 020003). AIP Publishing LLC.

Suwandi, A., Sulaiman, M. and Maulana, E., 2017. Perancangan Mesin Eddy Current Separator Untuk Pemilah Sampah Logam Non-Ferrous (Studi Kasus Di Kabupaten Tegal). Prosiding Semnastek. Fakultas Teknik Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta.

Text Book:

Karassik, I.J. dan Messina, J.P., 2001. Pump Handbook Third Edition.,New York: McGraw-Hill.

Karmiadji, D.W. dan Suwandi A., 2018. Optimasi Desain: material, komponen, konstruksi teori dasar & aplikasi. Jakarta: UI Publishing.

Final Project, Master's Thesis, and Doctoral Thesis:

Soegandhi, 2009. Aplikasi model kebangkrutan pada perusahaan daerah di Jawa Timur. Tesis. Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Joyonegoro, Surabaya.


Ahmed, S, dan A, Zlate. Capital flows to emerging market economies: A brave newworld? [Online]. Available: Accessed June 18, 2013.