Perancangan Mesin Pembuat Tepung Jagung Kapasitas 5 kg/jam dengan Metode Pahl dan Beitz

Design of Corn Flour Machine with 5 kg/hour Capacity using Pahl and Beitz Methods

  • Mohammad Galang Adi Prayoga Universitas Pancasila
  • Dahmir Dahlan Universitas Pancasila
  • Arif Riyadi Tatak Universitas Pancasila
Abstract views: 602 | pdf downloads: 779
Keywords: design, Pahl & Beitz, sheller, flour, corn


Corn is among the economic prospects supported by the expansion of the feed and food industries. To preserve corn yields, it can be processed into semi-finished products like corn flour. This paper discusses the design of a machine used to manufacture corn flour. Corn flour is the product that can be produced by the machine. The Pahl & Beitz design method is used to develop concepts. SOLIDWORKS Education Version 2019 is the software used to create three-dimensional images. The concept design utilizing the Pahl and Beitz method yields the selection of one concept variant with a weighting value of 4.82. The design of a corn flour making machine with engine dimensions of 800 mm x 450 mm x 1,500 mm uses a 220 V electric motor with a power of 1.5 hp and a rotational speed of 1400 rpm; the diameter of the shaft shaft is 30 mm, and the diameter of the shell shaft is 25 mm; the transmission used is a set of pulleys measuring 5 inches and 10 inches and a v-belt type A measuring 48 inches and The used bearings are of the UCP205, UCP206, and UCF206 types; the corn-shelling method employs a chain; the paddle for flour employs a diskmill; and the flour sieves have a 1 mm diameter hole. The frame is comprised of 40 mm by 40 mm angle iron; based on the results of the frame simulation, the maximum stress of the components is still less than the material's yield stress.


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Mesin Pembuat Tepung Jagung
How to Cite
Prayoga, M. G. A., Dahlan, D. and Tatak, A. R. (2023) “Perancangan Mesin Pembuat Tepung Jagung Kapasitas 5 kg/jam dengan Metode Pahl dan Beitz”, Jurnal Asiimetrik: Jurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa & Inovasi, 5(1), pp. 71-82. doi: 10.35814/asiimetrik.v5i1.4143.