Analisis Konsumsi Listrik di Provinsi Papua terhadap Pengaruh Investasi, Belanja Pengeluaran Daerah, Indeks Pembangunan Manusia dan Jumlah Penduduk

Analysis of Electricity Consumption in Papua Province to the Impact of Investment, Regional Expenditures, Human Development Index and Population

  • Yosef Lefaan Universitas Cenderawasih
  • Edwin Ginting Universitas Cenderawasih
  • Johni Jonatan Numberi Universitas Cenderawasih
  • Endang Hartiningsih Universitas Cenderawasih
  • Maran Gultom Universitas Cenderawasih
  • Thobby Wakarmamu Universitas Cenderawasih
  • Tiper K. M. Uniplaita Universitas Cenderawasih
Abstract views: 600 | pdf downloads: 443
Keywords: electricity consumption, investment, regional expenditures, human development index, total population


Electricity consumption is an important factor in driving economic growth. Increasing economic growth will increase electricity consumption, and vice versa. The effect of the growth of electricity consumption on economic growth in Papua Province is a goal to be known through this research. To achieve this goal, secondary data for 2012–2022, sourced from the Central Bureau of Statistics for Papua Province and PT. PLN (Persero) Papua and West Papua regions, are processed using a quantitative approach and multiple regression analysis model. This secondary data includes investment value, regional expenditure, the human development index, and population, which is an independent variable. While the electricity consumption data is a dependent variable. The results of the study show that simultaneously, all independent variables have a significant effect on the dependent variable. The value of investment, regional expenditures, and the human development index have a positive but not significant effect on increasing electricity consumption. While the population has a positive and significant influence on increasing electricity consumption.


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How to Cite
Lefaan, Y., Ginting, E., Numberi, J. J., Hartiningsih, E., Gultom, M., Wakarmamu , T. and Uniplaita, T. K. M. (2023) “Analisis Konsumsi Listrik di Provinsi Papua terhadap Pengaruh Investasi, Belanja Pengeluaran Daerah, Indeks Pembangunan Manusia dan Jumlah Penduduk”, Jurnal Asiimetrik: Jurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa & Inovasi, 5(2), pp. 387-396. doi: 10.35814/asiimetrik.v5i2.5189.