Jurnal Asiimetrik: Jurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa dan Inovasi

SUMMARY. Hartantrie et al. discussed the design of a cocoa bean dryer and expected it to suit the needs of cocoa bean farmers in Indonesia. The research made by Octaviani, et al. have goals to achieve from the research designing a web-based application system and expected to facilitate patients in consulting with psychiatrists, as well as being a forum for providing information about mental health. Bunga, et al. research about modification of grinder copy camshaft, which functions as a copy machine that can make or imitate a product using the grinder engine principle. Nafsan and Laksono, in their research, discuss the comparative analysis quality of disc brake lining product between originally and the aftermarket. The aim of the study is for the users can understand the utilization of aftermarket product quality. Odi, et al., in their research, discuss waste identification of bogie parts car maintenance and give a repair recommendation that aims to reduce the waste that occurs, while Olivia et al. discuss the analyze the layout of the warehouse using a work-storage method. Tri and Supriyono, in their research, discuss a design corncobs grinder with design result have a machine that function can make corncobs be a regular-sized grain of corn rice. Hary, et al., in their research, describe checks of aluminium welts in lightweight train (LRT) structure by a non-destructive test method to ensure safety from light rail use.

Published: 2019-01-21

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